Friday, October 18, 2019

Analyze diets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyze diets - Essay Example The Atkins diet and South Beach diet vary in their carb phases, intake, and convenience, giving people more alternatives between low carb diets (Bowden, p.9). A person will know and make a decision which diet may work well for them by distinguishing the differences and similarities among these two diets. South Beach and Atkins diets both begin with a strict two-week introduction/induction phase where carbs are controlled. A person will bid adios to pasta, rice, sugar, bread and even alcohol as he/she is on proteins and select non-starchy vegetables. After this phase, healthy carbs like fruits and whole grains are gradually reintroduced, and dieters stick on this phase until their target weight is realized. The third phase, permanent phase, is intended to assist followers keep the pounds off by working a more moderate version of the program as a way of life. One of the main differences among the two diets is their structure. Atkins is vastly disciplined, necessitating dieters to observe of every carb they consume (Atkins, p.1) Food choices are more limited on Atkins, which may be a risk to food lovers that get jaded easily. In comparison, South Beach dieters are advised to test with a range of foods so as to find the low-carb alternatives that appeal most to them (Agatston, p. 5) Desserts are permitted on South Beach, and this polite allowance assists dieters remain to the program and be motivated. Another difference between the two diets is health. Both programs depend on recipes that include animal and other fats, but South Beach strains lean meat. Many physicians have expressed distress over the high level of saturated fats taken by Atkins dieters. Bacon cheeseburgers and ham may make them think they’ve achieved their health goal but an Atkins dieter that makes a decision to take the protein to justify binging on high-fat foods isn’t going to get happy results from their doctor at their annual medical check-up. South Beach takes a stronger stress on

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